Cold Antler Farm
Cold Antler Farm Podcast
Late Bloomer: Building Community, Read Aloud

Late Bloomer: Building Community, Read Aloud

My Narration of the Newest Essay on Making Queer Friends!

Happy Pride! I read the newest essay in the series where we talk about making queer friends when you’re new to the queer community. Romance, sex, all of that is great but the heart of the queer experience is the community. Here’s how to find it.

Please like, comment, and get back to me with questions if you want a bonus Pride month Q&A podcast!

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Cold Antler Farm
Cold Antler Farm Podcast
Cold Antler Farm is where agriculture meets pop culture. Jenna Woginrich reads her substack essays about rural queer life, farming, falconry, & fly fishing (+ bonus yapping). It's a big time, folks.