Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Woginrich

Welcome back, kiddo! Write what your heart is telling you. It's all good. Thanks for the words. They inspire more than you will probably ever know.

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that is so kind!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Woginrich

I love the variety! Knowing more pieces/posts are on their way gives me something to look forward to. I don't know if this makes sense, but I feel like I consume a lot of internet content in the course of a day, but I don't really savor or absorb it. Paying for a subscription changes that content-consumption mentality. It's like a little treat in my day now to sit down with a cup of coffee and take a legitimate, thoughtful break from work to read and enjoy your words. I will read anything happily! But, I definitely want to learn more about keeping a small flock of sheep.....what breeds or crosses make the best wool for knitting, what sort of forage keeps sheep happy, what books you might recommend? I have sheep fever, and as soon as I get my piece of land (hopefully sooner than later), sheep are gonna happen!

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Love this!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Woginrich

Agriculture, animals, romance, recipes. Love the cozy and the fun, but appreciate the exploration of the darkness too. We are all beings of light and shade and I love to read your words!

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Shucks darlin

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Jenna, you have always been a writer to me! I enjoyed all of your books and your blog. I'm so happy that you have decided to be paid for your work!

I enjoy all the things, life on the farm, the challenges of making a living doing what you want to do, being a writer, figuring stuff out. But I most want to hear what YOU want to write about! That's magic!

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Thank you! There will be PLENTY of that don’t worry!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Woginrich

I like 'em all. That's it!!

On another note, have you seen those fans that you put on top of your stove?

They have thermocouples on the bottom, so they run on the heat from the stove.

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Yes I need to look into one! They’re like $100+ so I’ve never bit 🤷‍♀️

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Woginrich

Ah. Never knew how much they were. I've just seen them in YouTube videos.

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Those years of unpaid writing weren't wasted. They were spend honing your craft and building your audience...the very audience that looked forward to your blogs enough that we weren't willing to give them up when you moved to Substack. Difficult years, but like the hard work on your farm I hope you find they were worth it. I particularly like the The Glowing Shed type posts.

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I’ve read and loved your words since your first book and the early days. There is a rawness to your work, a sincerity that has been a siren’s song. Your words have time and again transported me to your scrappy little farm, and I feel like I’ve stood in the hay loft on a miserable August day or thawed pipes in the drear bleak January cold. So I want all of it. Because that is what you have given us all so much of these many years. Reality. Bleak beautiful austere reality. And I want to grasp it and hold it tight.

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I love the stories from the early days. The sheep in the Subaru, your hobby farms from when you rented. It was push that ignited in me that I could homestead even in the most simple a.d creative ways.

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I want to read it all....animals , recipes , farming , fish & love !! I've been reading your blog since you moved to the mountain and get concerned if you skip more than a couple of days of writing. Your courage and strength have carried you so far on this journey , it has been sometimes sad , sometimes hard to read but most of all it has shown that you are not a quitter , you have fought hard as heck to get this far.....IT'S A BRAND NEW DAY !! My Grandma instilled this in my heart as a child and I have found it to be so very true.... "Good things come to those who wait....and patience is a virtue".

Keep rockin' it Jenna....we all love you !!

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I want to read it all , that's what makes your writings bring us back for more. Life sure isn't scripted out for us to follow every day so why would anyone want to read that anyway?? Been reading your blog since you moved to the mountain and just can't imagine more than a couple of days without you. So bring on the animals , bring on the farm and by all means don't give up on love & finding that person that truly gets you. Grandma instilled these words in me and I hold them in my heart..."Good things come to those who wait & patience is a virtue". You are loved by so many that want all good things for you and the life you have built and strive everyday to keep going. Keep rockin' dear Jenna , it a brand new day.

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I like the variety, and the unpredictability, so... write about whatever has been enthusing or surprising you the most, before you sit down at the keyboard?

I had a question about the annual subscription vs. the monthly one. With the discount Substack automatically gives for an annual sub, I figured that just meant you'd be getting less money overall. So I went for monthly. Or am I missing something (it's entirely possible)?

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Oh of course! But both types help! one option is less annually but paid to me upfront too, which helps in this specific situation, but it's perfect to have both and I'll take either!

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Makes sense! I just switched over to annual, anyway (it was very easy) 👍

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deletedNov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Woginrich
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Okay! Animals coming up!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Woginrich

I still remember Sal the sheep. 🐑 I would love to learn more about the current ones you have, and also the craftsmanship things ... Honestly I have no clue of soapmaking- but have managed to get some of your bars to Germany .

But basically I enjoy all your writing! And it makes me happy to read that you are happy.

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deletedNov 15, 2023Liked by Jenna Woginrich
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I can share my recipe, I know I have before? It's easy! But the lye part is kinda scary ngl

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